Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eating Christmas in the Kalahari

In the article it shows how cultures have different ways of doing things. In Kalahari the Bushmen hunt and gather to get their supplies unlike in the United States we just go to stores and buy our things. A social anthropologist decided he wanted to experience how the bushmen eat at christmas. so as a thank you he went out to find the christmas ox because this was his last year in the field(Kalahari). he wanted to slaughter the largest, meatiest ox that money could buy. he paid $56 for this amazing ox but as he was happy to find something so good he wen and bragged about it. as a result the bushmen told him that the ox he chose was big but old so there wouldnt be very much meat just lots of bones. as christmas got closer he was trying to find another ox so they would have more meat, but he had no such luck. once christmas came he was fed up with what all the people were saying about it not being a good pick that he said kill it anyway and people will just have to deal with it. when they opened it up there was lots of fat and meat and the anthropologist was so happy and was like in your face to the bushmen and they all laughed. they knew all a long that it would have lots of meat but in their culture they dont brag about their catch  beacuse those people think they are chief and just big like they can make people into their servants and demand them what to do. which proves a good point beacuse i see people do that all the time. i dont believe its right but it happens

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