Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When Brothers Share a Wife

i dont quite understand why anyone would want to share a wife i find it very weird but only because its not part of our culture. Tibetans brothers marry one wife and they all share her in every part of the marriage. the oldest son is always in charge but all the brothers go out and work and take care of things. when children are born they are to all act the same towards the kid and show no favoritism as the child calls each of them dad even when they know when their real father is. in our society monogamy is the only form of marriage that is permitted. but tibetans allow monogamy, fraternal polyandry, and polygyny. polygyny typically only occurs when the first wife is barren. when practicing fraternal polyandry the brothers are not required to marry jointly. if a brother became dissatisfied and wanted to seperate he simply just left and started his own household. the children would stay at the main house with the wife and other brothers.
when Dorje was asked why he didnt want his own wife he simply stated that it prevented division of his family's farm. meaning they were better off economically. when his wife was asked if it was hard to cope with 3 brother husbands she said no she and her children were better off with 3 men supporting them. the oldest son inheirited the family estate, but the younger sons had to leave home and find their own employment.
tibetans believe fraternal polyandry reduces family fission. they were always in competition with other wife's to have more boys than girls because boys represent future and success.tension and difficulties often occur when only one brother can be in charge and the others have no chance.the wife must show equal sexual affection to all brothers. tibetans marry jointly because there is a shortage of females and they have to keep the family going by having more kids and bringing in more money to eat. having farms and animals was difficult.fraternal polyandry reduces population growth relegating females to lifetime spinsterhood. in limi 31 percent of women were unmarried.

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