Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Price of Progress

economic development makes developed poplations vulnerable to all diseases suffered.  development disturbs traditional enviromental balances and could dramatically increase bacterial and parasite disease. poverty diseases may appear if unattainable. diet changes adapt to the availability of food in tribal areas. diets often stay the same unless they are voluntay to change. but some tribal people are forced to change.lower nutritional levels in world- market economy. deterioration sets in to some people and when new nutrients are introduced it causes big problems. when diet is the same in tribal people their teeth are great but for those who changed diets either willingly or unwillingly showed a decrease in good teeth. tribal people who have to adopt new economic patterns show malnutrition. some people either cant afford or just dont have the resources to have proper protein to stay healthy. as the world progresses new strains are brought on the ecosystems which they rely on their survival. as more people come into tribal areas population starts to grow. attention is focused on fundemental contrasts between tribal  and industrial systems. i agree that tribal values and processes or things have changed greatly with how the world is progressing. there are few tribal people living the traditional life only because our world have become so populated that it caused a change in tribal traditions.